3月31日下午在水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室举办了由英国利弗普大学工程系讲师(Department of Engineering,University of Liverpool)潘顺祺博士的《海岸水动力和动力地貌的模拟》(Modelling Coastal Hydrodynamics and Morphodynamics)学术报告会。报告会由陈西庆教授主持,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室、河海大学海洋学院、南京水利科学研究院联合主办。 Abstract: This presentation will outline the research activities of the Coastal Modelling Group within the Department of Engineering, the University of Liverpool with a particular focus on the recently completed EPSRC research project - LEACOAST, studying the effect of shore-parallel breakwaters on coastal morphology under storm conditions at Sea Palling, Norfolk, UK, as well as the on-going ?1.1 million research project: LEACOAST2, in collaboration with the Universities of East Anglia, Plymouth and Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory on larger-scale long-term coastal morphological impacts of these breakwaters. |