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 [添加时间:2017/1/5 16:41:22, 浏览次数:4023次 ]


Advancements in Environmental Flow Science: Consideration of Hydrogeomorphic Processes and Floodplain Connectivity

时间: 201719日下午3

地点: 水文水资源与水利工程国家重点实验室301


Disruption to a river’s natural flow variability, land use changes, and management infrastructure have physically destroyed floodplain habitat or reduced the dynamic hydrologic conditions necessary for floodplain health. The dynamic interactions between river flow and topography, both within a main channel and floodplain, are important for a variety of ecological processes. This talk will focus on methods to evaluate the impacts of hydrologic alterations on floodplain dynamics and connectivity. Changes in floodplain inundation dynamics and interface dynamics will be discussed for two hydrologic scenarios on two distinct rivers – the Gila River and the Rio Grande, both in New Mexico, USA.The results improved understanding of inundation patterns and water flux between the channel and floodplain under baseline and altered hydrologic scenarios.

主讲人: Mark C. Stone, Ph.D., 美国University of New Mexico终身教授,美国国家基金会(NSF) CAREER award (杰出青年基金)获得者。



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