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 [添加时间:2016/4/11 16:38:03, 浏览次数:4714次 ]
报告题目:Next-generation technology of tailings rehabilitation -Biogeochemistry of tailing-soil and biogeopolymerization (新一代的尾矿治理技术——尾矿土壤生物地质化学及生物地质聚合化过程)
报告人:Prof. Longbin Huang (黄隆斌教授)
报告时间:2016年4月12日 09:00-11:00
报告简介:After decades of mining boom, metal mine tailings have become urgent global environmental challenges in terms of the sheer volumes and extensive distribution across geographical regions, threatening both economic and environmental sustainability of mining and minerals industry and their “social licence to operate”. Limitations of current technology (e.g., cover system) can not deliver both economic and environmental sustainability. The present talk will introduce the key framework of next generation technology of metal mine tailings management and rehabilitation, which are tailing-soil formation technology and mineral biogeopolymerization in tailings. The promising potentials of these technologies have been demonstrated in our recent research evidence, which are backed up by detailed process understanding of bioweathering, microbial community shifting and hardpan formation. The combined technology of tailing soil formation and biogeopolymerization will transform the technological pathways of minerals industry in tailings management and rehabilitation and deliver much needed economic savings and reduced environmental risks.
黄隆斌教授为澳大利亚昆士兰大学可持续矿物学院环境研究中心首席研究员、矿区土壤-植物系统生态工程研究方向的领头人与负责人(整个环境研究中心共设4个研究方向),在国际主流刊物上发表学术论文100多篇,同时担任Frontiers in Plant Science 和Environmental Geochemistry and Health的编委,并受聘于中国土地资源部土地整理和修复中心重点实验室学术委员会委员。在2009-2011年,曾经参与中国国土资源部土地整理中心主持的第一部土地整治法的咨询与起草讨论工作(该法于2011年3月5日颁发)。


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