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 [添加时间:2012/4/24 9:31:35, 浏览次数:3619次 ]
    目:Vulnerability Assessment Procedures for Small Water Supply Systems
报告人:Professor Edward A. McBean
报告人单位:College of Physical and Engineering ScienceUniversity of GuelphGuelph, Ontario, Canada
报告时间:4 25 下午 2:30       
When dealing with small water supply systems, a major issue is that we cannot rely upon multiple barriers to ensure that one of the barriers is protecting the integrity of the quality of water supplied to water consumers.  Instead, we must be aware as to the types of failures that may occur but not employ a formal risk assessment procedure, as failure probability characterizations are infeasible.  In response, a series of ‘drinking water tools’ is described which assists in highlighting the potential for failure modes.  These drinking water tools are useful to identify, much like a checklist system, the means by which a system has the potential to fail. Several of the drinking water tools are described, and applications to describe some of the water supply system failures in Canada are used to demonstrate the utility of the tools.


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