·当前共有237条记录 |
成果名称 | 期刊/出版社/专利授权号 | 完成人 | 年度 |
南京玄武湖富营养化及重金属污染现状 | 河海大学学报(自然科学版) | 赵大勇,马婷,曾巾,燕文明,徐于楠 | 2012 |
玄武湖沉积物中重金属垂向分布及污染评价 | 环境科学与技术 | 赵大勇, 黄睿, 马婷, 冀永般, 曾巾 | 2012 |
Comparison of heavy metal accumulation by a bloom-forming cyanobacterium | Microcystis aeruginosa. Chinese Science Bulletin | Zeng J., Zhao D.Y., Ji Y.B., Wu Q.L | 2012 |
活性瓷釉涂层钢筋在混凝土结构抗爆中的应用研究. | 中国土木工程学会防护工程分会第十三次学术年会,宁波 | 闫东明 | 2012 |
Numerical simulation of solitary wave induced flow motion around a permeable submerged breakwater | Journal of Applied Mathematics | Zhang J-S, Zheng JH, Jeng D-S & Wang G | 2012 |
Estimation of soil erosion in the Xihanshui River Basin by using 137Cs technique. | International Journal of Sediment Research | Yan-hong JIA, Zhao-yin WANG, Xiang-min ZHENG, Lu-jie HAN | 2012 |
应用人工阶梯-深潭系统治理泥石流沟的尝试 | 长江流域资源与环境 | 张康,王兆印,贾艳红,李志威 | 2012 |
Prediction of Spring Flow Using Regression Method, Journal of Digital Content | Technology and its Applications | changjun Zhu, Qing Liang, Ming Liu | 2012 |
基于湿周法的河道最小生态需水量多目标评价模型 | 水利水电科技进展 | 彭涛, 陈晓宏, 王高旭, 李英海 | 2012 |
Estimation of environmental flow requirements in the Zhangweixin River Estuary, China | Advanced Materials Research | Peng Tao, Chen Xiaohong, Wang Gaoxu | 2012 |
近50年东江中下游径流时序演变特征 | 水资源研究, | 彭涛, 陈晓宏, 王高旭, 刘冀, 李英海 | 2012 |
深埋隧洞渗流与应力耦合分析 | 三峡大学学报(自然科学版) | 张继勋,盛亮,任旭华,于牧萍 | 2012 |
活性瓷釉涂层钢筋在混凝土结构抗爆中的应用研究 | 全国第十二届混凝土结构基本理论及工程应用学术会议,宁波 | 闫东明 | 2012 |
Method of water resources assessment in information limited areas based on the SWAT model | Proceedings of The 5th International Yellow River Forum,Zhengzhou,China | Lili Liang, Yufeng Hu,Yuntao Ye, Chunfeng Hao | 2012 |
活性瓷釉涂层钢纤维混凝土板动、静力学特性研究 | 第十四届全国纤维混凝土学术会议. 河南, 郑州 | 闫东明 | 2012 |
Numerical Simulation of Flood Regime Caused by Dam-and Dyke-Breach with Complex Boundary | Proceedings of The 5th International Yellow River Forum,Zhengzhou,China | Yuntao Ye, Lili Liang, Xiaohui Lei, Yunzhong Jiang,Dongdong Jia, Yizhi Shang. | 2012 |
岩体突水通道形成过程中应力-渗流-损伤多场耦合机制 | 采矿与安全工程学报 | 李利平,李术才,石少帅等. | 2012 |
3-D Numerical Modeling of Flow Structure in a Meandering Channel with Consecutive Bends | Proceedings of 2012 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, Nanjing, China | Dongdong Jia, Xuejun Shao, Bo Wang, Yizi Shang, Yuntao Ye. | 2012 |
Evaluating Coupled Water, Vapor, and Heat Flows and Their Influenc on Moisture Dynamics in Arid Regions | Journal of Hydrologic Engineering | Xiang, L., Yu, Z. Chen L., et al | 2012 |
西北干旱区内陆河流域生态干旱演化规律及其评估指标 | 中国水利学会第五届青年科技论坛论文集 | 梁犁丽,冶运涛,胡宇丰,等 | 2012 |