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玄武湖沉积物中重金属垂向分布及污染评价环境科学与技术赵大勇, 黄睿, 马婷, 冀永般, 曾巾2012
Comparison of heavy metal accumulation by a bloom-forming cyanobacteriumMicrocystis aeruginosa. Chinese Science BulletinZeng J., Zhao D.Y., Ji Y.B., Wu Q.L2012
Numerical simulation of solitary wave induced flow motion around a permeable submerged breakwaterJournal of Applied MathematicsZhang J-S, Zheng JH, Jeng D-S & Wang G2012
Estimation of soil erosion in the Xihanshui River Basin by using 137Cs technique.International Journal of Sediment ResearchYan-hong JIA, Zhao-yin WANG, Xiang-min ZHENG, Lu-jie HAN2012
Prediction of Spring Flow Using Regression Method, Journal of Digital ContentTechnology and its Applicationschangjun Zhu, Qing Liang, Ming Liu2012
基于湿周法的河道最小生态需水量多目标评价模型水利水电科技进展彭涛, 陈晓宏, 王高旭, 李英海2012
Estimation of environmental flow requirements in the Zhangweixin River Estuary, ChinaAdvanced Materials ResearchPeng Tao, Chen Xiaohong, Wang Gaoxu2012
近50年东江中下游径流时序演变特征水资源研究,彭涛, 陈晓宏, 王高旭, 刘冀, 李英海2012
Method of water resources assessment in information limited areas based on the SWAT modelProceedings of The 5th International Yellow River Forum,Zhengzhou,ChinaLili Liang, Yufeng Hu,Yuntao Ye, Chunfeng Hao2012
活性瓷釉涂层钢纤维混凝土板动、静力学特性研究第十四届全国纤维混凝土学术会议. 河南, 郑州闫东明2012
Numerical Simulation of Flood Regime Caused by Dam-and Dyke-Breach with Complex BoundaryProceedings of The 5th International Yellow River Forum,Zhengzhou,ChinaYuntao Ye, Lili Liang, Xiaohui Lei, Yunzhong Jiang,Dongdong Jia, Yizhi Shang.2012
3-D Numerical Modeling of Flow Structure in a Meandering Channel with Consecutive BendsProceedings of 2012 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, Nanjing, ChinaDongdong Jia, Xuejun Shao, Bo Wang, Yizi Shang, Yuntao Ye.2012
Evaluating Coupled Water, Vapor, and Heat Flows and Their Influenc on Moisture Dynamics in Arid RegionsJournal of Hydrologic EngineeringXiang, L., Yu, Z. Chen L., et al2012
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